Author | Jang, MinJe, Kim, Young-Hoon |
Date | 2023. 03 |
AbstractThis paper aims to discuss educational implications of e-learning research and suggest the direction of follow-up study for which current status and e-learning research trends in Korea was searched with text network analysis methods. This study searched e-learning articles in the online search engine Research Information Sharing Service(RISS) from 2001 to 2021 including 'e-learning' in the title or its keyword in the abstract. 761 articles were finally selected and classified with the publication year and subject categories. Text Network Analysis techniques were applied to analyze the values of degree centrality and betweenness centrality between words. Word cloud was also used to visualize the keywords centrality of e-learning articles. The article numbers peaked in 2010, then decreased, but increased again after 2016. Most cited subject was 'others' as it was classified as combined with two or more subjects, followed with these single subject such as 'education', 'engineering', 'social science', 'agriculture', 'arts and sports', 'humanities', and 'medicine'. High frequency of keywords includes 'learning', 'lecture', 'education', 'online', 'instructor', and 'content' as it has been a strong relationship with online education and its content development trends in Korea: research activities of design and development and effectiveness verification. The word 'convergence' also appeared frequently and showed high values in degree centrality and betweenness centrality; convergence topics in particular plays an important role in connecting other educational issues. |
2024.03.24 23:51
Analysis of research trends of e-Learning in Korea using Text Network Analysis techniques
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