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Author Choi, Sung-Wook
Date 2015. 12


Creativity is obviously one of the main topics in the world, which are so often discussed and investigated among researchers and educators. It is determinedly believed that creative ones are those super-level innovators among the whole group in every society. Therefore, low-level innovators, relatively, are far from creative ones, because people are declined to recognize creativity with high-level positions in their group. But, such a recognition is not always true. In the matter of fact, many of the creative ones are the persons who made good works of themselves on every steps of their lives. They made themselves 'new' in the process of self-renewing. The personal dimension of creativity is different from the collective one. It gives an insight to look at the phenomenon of creativity in the educational context. In this paper, I made a contrast between the collective and personal dimension of creativity in the light of the educational theories of John Dewey and Shang-ho Chang. Both of them provided good foundations of understanding for creativity with a personal meaning because they put a strong emphasis on the reorganizing process of experience in every stages of human growth in a personal base.
